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Cricket Builds Hope works with partners across Rwanda to grow participation in cricket, whilst using the spirit of the game as a tool for social change. 

We are proud of the reach of our work and the impact it has in the communities we work with. Since our formation in 2014 we have reached hundreds of children and adults, and with your help we hope to continue and grow this for many years to come.

We are committed to measuring the impact of our programmes and analysing the long term impact of the programme on past participants. Through longitudinal surveys we measure across a number of factors such as increased confidence of participants, retention rates throughout the programme and longer term impact in the community. This is done through before and after surveys of all participants as well as focus groups.




Rachel is 21 years old and a mother of one. She took part in one of our cohorts in 2019, completing ten weeks of the programme. Since the programme she has gone on to set a stove business and feels more confident and independent at home.

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"From the CBH programme, I have learnt how to prepare community projects which has opened my mind to realizing that regardless of my economic status I am able to do something to better my other people's lives. Going through this programme has changed many things in my life including acquiring new skills like preparing and executing projects; public speaking; setting goals; have now gained self-confidence which is helping me in my stove business with communicating with my clients.

At my home, there have been lots of changes which has also observed and mentioned to me. Before the programme, I always depended on him for every decision however small, but now he is so happy that I am able to take responsibilities in his absence and support him - I am now a better team player thanks to CBH for the incredible programme. I have already recommended it to my friends at church to join the upcoming cohorts for a mindset changing experience."

— Rachel




Ruth took part in one of our first cohorts in 2018, completing 10 weeks of the programme.

The training helped her to become more self-aware and gave her the confidence to apply for a new job and join in with local politics.

“I couldn’t speak in front of people, I learned how to look for opportunities and today I have a job with a road construction company. I am now the vice-president of a political group in Gahanga and I started an initiative to teach people how to make kitchen gardens to fight malnutrition.”

— Ruth

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Working in partnership with Yorkshire Tea we are coaching cricket to young people and adults around three of their tea estates.

“We learnt how to play as a team and communicate with each other in the best way to achieve a common goal” 

— Damascene Byukusenge a student at GS Gisovu

“We do get more support from one another because we play together in a team. Now if you walk up and down the factory you see people that you play cricket with always something to talk about.”

— Odette Ingabire a member of staff at Gisovu Factory

“From last year when I started playing cricket, I am happier. It stops me feeling stressed and worried” 

— Joseph Ngendahimana a student at GS Gitabura



“Cricket is now one of the fast-growing sports in Rwanda. With the opening of Gahanga Stadium – The Lord’s of East Africa – in 2017, the sport has continued to flourish. Cricket Builds Hope, is working closely with Rwanda Cricket Association to spread the love and power of the game across Rwanda. Furthermore, its programmes, such as the Female Empowerment Programme, helping young women who live around the Gahanga stadium are showing the true power of cricket for social change. So far we’ve helped over 300 women to obtain skills in leadership and business management and look forward to helping many more.”

— Eddie Muga (President of the Rwanda Cricket Association)

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